| 1. | Energy of radiation radiation weighting factor 辐射权重因子 |
| 2. | Equivalent dose is a physical quantity to measure the effect to a tissue or organ by different types and energies of radiation 当量剂量是量度不同种类及能量的辐射,对人体个别组织或器官造成的影响的一个物理量。 |
| 3. | The weighting factor for this purpose is called " radiation weighting factor " , which reflects the severity of biological effects due to different types and energies of radiation 这个权重因子称为辐射权重因子,它反映不同种类及能量的辐射对人体产生不同程度的影响。 |
| 4. | When the incident radiation field consists of different types and energies of radiation , the equivalent dose in a tissue or organ is equal to the sum of the weighted absorbed doses 当辐射有多个种类和能量时,在一个组织或器官的当量剂量就是个别辐射所致的当量剂量之和。 |
| 5. | The weighting factor for this purpose is called " radiation weighting factor " , which reflects the severity of biological effects due to different types and energies of radiation 这个权重因子称为辐射权重因子,它反映不同种类及能量的辐射对人体产生不同程度的影响。 |
| 6. | When the incident radiation field consists of different types and energies of radiation , the equivalent dose in a tissue or organ is equal to the sum of the weighted absorbed doses 当辐射有多个种类和能量时,在一个组织或器官的当量剂量就是个别辐射所致的当量剂量之和。 |
| 7. | For a particular type and energy of radiation , equivalent dose is the absorbed dose averaged over a tissue or organ and weighted for the radiation quality that is of interest 特定种类及能量的辐射在一个组织或器官中引致的当量剂量,就是该辐射在组织或器官的平均吸收剂量乘以该辐射的权重因子。 |
| 8. | For a particular type and energy of radiation , equivalent dose is the absorbed dose averaged over a tissue or organ and weighted for the radiation quality that is of interest 特定种类及能量的辐射在一个组织或器官中引致的当量剂量,就是该辐射在组织或器官的平均吸收剂量乘以该辐射的权重因子。 |